We are now in Hitachi-Taga, Japan after a 2 hour flight to Atlanta, then a 13 hour flight back the other direction to Tokyo. When we arrive, Sugao the preacher picked us up and drove us back in Taga in a small van which seted 4. The problem was there wasn`t any room for our luggage!! It was a long 4 hour van ride to the church building. It was also quite as scene!

Japan is an amazing country! It is funny, for a country that is only 1% Christian, I see God everywhere! It is beautiful here! There are rolling hills and mountians coverd by forests of tress and bamboo plants. Rice fields are scattered between all the houses. I definitely feel like I am going back to nature.
Here is one of the views out the church building window.

We have two information meetings today. We will also be taking a small drive around town to do a little grocery shopping and the go to the bank. For the first couple of days, we are lucky to have Sugao to show us where everything is and to give us some hints on what to buy a the store. From this day on, we are on our own for that kind of stuff!
Until next time, Sinara!