Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day Number 3

It is early Thursday morning here in Japan... evening time for you folks back in the states. Japan is 14 hours ahead of Central Standard time.

Our team was a bit jet-lagged yesterday afternoon. We had a busy morning with an early meeting with the preacher and then our first information meeting at 10am. An information meeting is where all the people interested in having converstation English classes come to the building, learn more about the LST program, and sign up with a teacher and time slot. We had a second meeting later in the evening for the people who could not make it in the morning. These two meeting were fairly successful, most of us have 9-11 readers. We were, however, hoping more would come so be praying that God will send more our way!

The children at the kindergarden next door made some beautiful things for us yesterday. This sign was up for when we got to Taga. Cute, isn`t it??? They also gave us medallion things to wear around our neck and paper origami flowers! We felt very special and blessed. I have the opportunity to read with one of the kindergarden teachers this week. I am looking forward to it!

Also, I was assigned another student would couldn`t make it to the information meeting yesterday. It was only later that day that someone had realized that she read in Takahagi in 2004... the year I was there!!! So I am very excited to see her again! She has three girls and they all are ver cute and involved in our activites and parties. She, Kiyomi, had decided this year that she wanted to study the Bible again and I was the one she got paired up with. That is definitely a God-thing!

Yesterday, we had some time in the afternoon to run errands. We went to the bank and exchanged money and then to the "super", or grocery store. One thing that was really neat was where we parked. Sugao, the preacher here, took us in his car and showed us this amazing parking structure/device.

You park your can on this turn-table thing and then it turns the car to face this yellow carrier. You drive into it, the man pushes a button and then the car rotates up into a "parking" or holding spot. When you return, you give the man your number and he rotates it back down! How neat is that!! I`ve never seen anything like it! The Japanese... so far ahead in technology!

Please leave a comment to let me know you are reading my blog!!

Have a great day!


Rachel said...

Hi tanya! We love you! We miss you!

Andrea said...

Great post! I am so happy that you will be chronicling your trip in words and pictures for those of us back home! Praying that many more readers come your way!

GlitteryKitchenTable said...

I"m keeping up with your blog! :)


Tommie said...
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Tommie said...

Your reporting skills are excellent, my "other" daughter/friend. James and I are praying for more readers to come your way. Phyllis and I will see you soon.


Unknown said...

Glad to hear you guys made it okay and are settling in, well. Say hello to everyone for us!