I just love this woman, Yuko, and her daughter Sakura. I am sure I have already posted a picture of her, but here is one from today!
We also had a Ladies Tea party that some of our readers came to. We did a fun ice breakers and then I have a little lesson/testimony. We had a great time!
Last weekend we went Tokyo!! We had a great time! We did some normal sight seeing things, Asaktsua (a temple and huge market place), Edo-Tokyo Musuem, and Tokyo Tower. Jake and I went to a couple of art museums and went to the Tokyo Dome (Baseball Stadium) and rode a couple roller coasters. The team went to Disney Sea... Japans own version of Disneyland. They had a great time! It was nice to get away for a little while from everything, but we were exhausted after two days! We walked everywhere!! Jake was our amazing tour guide... Tokyo's subway and train system is super confusing. But Jake did a great job and we only took the wrong train once! :o)
Tommie and Phyllis also went to Tokyo with us. It was great to be with them again, after all the training we've done to come here. I am so happy they are here in Japan, and I know they are having an amazing time.
TWO MORE WEEKS!! AHHH! Not enough time!
This weekend we have Friends Camp. Scott and Luanne Snow have arrive and they are diligently planning for camp. The week after camp is VBS. So we have a busy couple of weeks ahead of us... not only that but we have to prepare to leave! It will be very sad!
Sunday we had our Kareoke party!! It was a blast. And of course, for the Takahagi 2004 girls... I dedicaded the song to you! :o)
1 comment:
Keep up the good work and just trust that God will help those involved with LST stay involved with LKT and Taga Church.
I love your pics, they bring back lots of memories.
Tell everyone "Hi" for me!
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