Later for dinner, we went to another resturant. On my trip to the restroom I encountered something completely new.
This is what a nice "western style" toliet looks like. Notice the remote on the left side. Japanese toliet seats have all these fun little buttons, like a seat warmer. Although this is not what was new to me. If you look to the left of that you see this beige box thing (yea, that would be the thing behind that yellow date and time). This, from why I can only assume, is a motion sensor sound box. When the customer goes to sit on the toliet, the box would sense to the motion and automatically turn on this noise that sounded like a waterfall or water running from a sink. So, my theory is that it is for people who don`t want others to hear them urinate. Very funny, I think!
Here are some pictures I`ve accumulated the past couple days, enjoy!
Yes, that is a lid to a cooking pot on her head.
Our first train ride in Japan... or at least Tanis and Sammy`s.
And of course, for Momma T, here are pictures from our Bunko Party today.
Until then, goodnight!
Thanks for sharing the bunko pictures, Tanya. Your readers and church members look so happy. I'm so proud of your team. Keep up the good work for God.
Love ya,
Mama T.
GREAT blog! I'm haveing fun reading the posts!
ali chandler
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