Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sapphire Valley, NC

We made it and it is awesome!

What great views!! Granted, there isn't any snow...but there is FAKE snow!! YAY! Tubing opens Tuesday ( hopefully) and there are trips up to the slopes. Tuesday we are hoping to take a trip to The Biltmore House... Jake says its the "thing" to go and see here in Western NC, but 3 hours touring a house? Ok... :o)

Granted... my foot still hurts and I am still sneezing and having the yucky nose, but it is hard not to love the scenery and be relaxed out here.

YAY for vacation!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I forgot...

6.) My first official shift back at the YMCA starts at 5am tomorrow... technically have to be there by about 4:45am. Boo.

Really the end.

Pity Party, Table for One Please

Yes... it is true, I am going to blog a pity post... poor poor me...pity me. Well not really, y'all don't have to pity me, it is a party for one.

1.) The soul of my right foot has been hurting for the past couple days. It has hurt like this before but only for a couple hours... never for this long. I've gone to the doctor for it, but there were no answers. It hurts to walk or just to move around my foot. I think it could be something like a stress fracture.

2.) I have a sore throat. :o( Don't sound all too bad but just keep reading.

3.) Hormones... early. A week and a half early. Boo.

So... all these things, not so much for one to be so upset about...under normal circumstances, BUT
Friday Jake and I are leaving for a nice long week long vacation...alone...just the two of us... in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. It was hopefully going to be full of snow fun, maybe some snowboarding or tubing, mountain biking, lots of laughs, snuggling, and maybe some football.
Well, if my leg continues to hurt...maybe no snow fun. If we (Jake also has a soar throat and nose yuckiness) continue to get sick... we will be probably only be snuggling up with a blanket, tissues, and cough drops. I guess there is always football... :oP

4.) It seems like the only I emotion I have for my parents is anger... for all they do and don't do. I think I need therapy.

5.) I'm cold. I hate being cold.

That is all for my pity party. Just need to vent.
Hopefully it will be done all in vain and that our week ends up great!
Party officially over... 4:42pm.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Car Issues

I didn't blog about the car problems my parents had last month. Mainly because it was so stressful I didn't want to re-live it.
So to summarize, my mom's car broke down (the one she bought 6 months earlier). Jake and I ran around like chickens, minus the head, trying to "fix" the situation.
And far the past month my mom has been driving around their other car, which is very old and unreliable.
Well, yesterday that car finally bit the dust.

So now we are left with no other choice. I gave up my little Mitsy Coke Can to my mom and Jake and I have become a one car family.
This means I get up every morning at the same time as Jake, get ready for the day, drive Jake to work, and then head to school (usually 30 mins early). I then have to wait until he gets done with work and pick him up, which right now isn't so bad because I am at school late anyway catching up for finals next week. AHH!

Jake and I aren't ready just yet to by another car. We've been saving money but it is difficult around the holidays. We forget we have presents to buy, parties to go to, dinners, etc.

We are thinking that in January we might be able to get a car for me... but until then, it is 6am for me! (Even while I am on vacation week after next and Jake is still working!) YIPES!