Monday, November 10, 2008

3 Weeks

Where have I been the past 3 weeks?

And doing homework.

Rachel and I are vendors at a craft sale this weekend in Lubbock. So we have been painting our rear ends off. Rachel has several pieces of furniture, while I only have two so far and several window panes.

I also have been working on a few pieces for Debra Jackson. She has some furniture she wanted stained and/or painted differently.

So, here are some pictures of what I have so far. I have several more windows to paint this week! Ah!



Another Piece

Matching Window Pane
Bird on Branch

Flower Window Pane

Zebra Print Storage Box

Debra's 3 Drawer Dresser

So that is about it for now. Hopefully I will get a lot more done this week.


Andrea said...

Well, I would say your time away from blogging has been time well spent, judging from all the furniture and/or window panes! Beautiful!!! I predict that you are going to be wildly successful at the craft fair!!!

Spellings Fam said...

Great stuff! Don't tell Jake I said this but...Who needs school when you can do all that?!