Monday, November 17, 2008

What a Lubbock Weekend

I was exhausted Sunday after our quick weekend trip to Lubbock for the craft fair. 11-12 hours total spent driving in the car. Yipes!

The craft fair was pretty successful. We learned that people will spend more money on their kids then for themselves. Rachel's kids table and chairs were the first thing to go, and all other furniture bought was for the kid's room! Interesting. So, next time I guess we will be focusing on babies!

We did have a fan of Rachel's buckets... I call him Bucket Head!

Over all it was a success. I do have a couple of pieces left that I will probaby put up for sale on Etsy.
Jake was also there this weekend and such a big help! He stood around, talked to potential customers, and carried the heavy items out to the cars. And he did this all with a smile! What a great husband to go to a craft fair with his wife and not complain... much. :o)

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