Yesterday was a busy day! The bus came to pick us up at 9am to take us on a boat tour of the Delta Plata River and the Tiger River. The Plata River is the wides river in the world. It looks like an ocean! In fact, it felt like an ocean on our ride home... the weather turned cloudy and windy making large swells in the river. What would have been an 45 minute ride was 2 hours long. We saw lots of wind surfers and kite riders too!
Here is the Delta Plata River and a view of the north part of Buenos Aires.

Our group.

The Tiger River.

Doesn't this door remind you of a Disney movie? He is yawning. :o)

We took a tour of the Tiger Art Museum. The building was absolutely beautiful!!

I should have gotten an upclose shot of this bridge (the white pointy thing in the background). It is the same bridge they are going to build over the Trinity River in Dallas. Very cool looking!

And this is the Pink House... it is their white house. This is where the president lives. Their current president is a woman... the widower of the former president. There just happened to be a protest of some sort going on while we walked by the pink house so there were police men everywhere.

Today we are taking a tour of La Boca neighboorhood. A very interesting and old part of town. There are people on the side of the road selling arts and crafts. So to those I promised leather gifts... today is the day I get them. Sorry I won't be able to send you a picture before I buy... I guess you will just have to trust my judge of taste. :o) I will upload pictures of our trip a later tonight.
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