Well, I was rudely waken this morning at 6:25am (I know, I know... only 5 minutes, why am I complaining? Well, when sleeping in is 15 minutes, 5 minutes is a lot!) by our smoke detector. No worries, our house wasn't on fire. The battery is just dying. So it beeps. At random times. Maybe 7-8 times. Maybe just once and then it will stop for several days. 3am... 6Pm...You never know. It is really annoying! (I know, we could just change the batteries... but that would require going to the store to buy batteries. Who has time for that?!)
This has been going on for a 2-3 weeks.
But the funny part of all of this is that the dog we are sitting (We've had Chopper again all last week) is SO afraid of this high pitched beep.
Now, Chopper is a great dog... very obedient, usually very calm. He follows us, ok he follows me, around the house. The only time he is upstairs is if I am.
However, this morning (while I was lying awake in bed) I hear him running upstairs... jingle jingle jingle of his collar tags. Then he promptly jumps right onto the bed and lays right next to me. He has never jumped onto the bed. We won't let him. But today he did. And he wouldn't get off. I yelled. I pushed (just a little... I am not abusive!!!). He just rolled around on and around me. Poor little guy was afraid of the beeping!! He was shaking and whining a little.
For the rest of the morning he was spooked. The detector beeped off and on this morning. I was sitting on the computer trying to study for my Japanese Art History test this morning (WHY?! Why did I pick such a hard class???) and any time there was a beep, he was practically sitting in my lap.
I can only image what he is going through while I am here at work (yes, I know...once again blogging when I shouldn't be!) and he is at home all alone.
Poor Choppy!