So for clay class, I have been working on a hollow clay form. Our teacher showed us an example... he hollowed out an oval shape and then a long skinny tube. His example gave me the inspiration for George... George the Giraffe.
Meet George, he is a nice fellow...quite and shy, but very friendly.
The problem with George is that I've been over-working him. He is stressed out! So stressed, his legs are breaking. :o( Hopefully I can repair him tomorrow morning in class with some special bandage-slip. And then finish him up with more spots!
And now my kitchen table is officially a disaster zone... clay EVERYWHERE! Jake isn't too happy about it. :o/
Also, here is my self portrait. Can anyone tell what I am feeling?? (sorry for the glare...)

I am so curious about George! Okay, that very bad pun was actually intended, but seriously, I can't wait to see the finished product! And your self-portrait is amazing--I don't really know the proper artistic terms but the color and depth (is that right?) are fantastic, regardless of your mood! You are so talented!
Looks good to me! Want to know something funny? I had a dress with a giraffe on it when I was little and I called him George!
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